Publikationen der Mitglieder der GTSG
1. Horvath E, Majlis S, Rodriguez I et al. 2009: An Ultrasonogram Reporting System for Thyroid Nodules Stratifying Cancer Risk for Clinical Management, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 90 (5): 1748-1751
2. Kwak JY, Han KH, Yoon JH et al. 2011: Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System for US Features of Nodules: A Step in Establishing Better Stratification of Cancer Risk, Radiology 260 (3): 892-899
3. Schenke S, Rink T, Zimny M 2015: TIRADS for the sonographic assessment of hypofunctioning and indifferent thyroid nodules, Nuklearmedizin 54: 144-150
4. Srinivas NM, Amogh VN, Gautam MS et al. 2016: A prospective study to evaluate the reliability of Thyroid Imaging Reporting And Data System in differentiation between benign and malignant thyroid lesions, J Clin Imaging Sci 6:5 PMCID: PMC4785791
5. Friedrich-Rust M, Meyer G, Dauth N et al. 2013: Interobserver Agreement of Thyroid Imaging Reporting And Data System (TIRADS) and strain elastography for the assessment of thyroid nodules, PLOS ONE Vol.8 Issue 10 e77927
6. Russ G: Risk stratification of thyroid nodules on ultrasonography with the French TI-RADS: description and reflection, Ultrasonography 35 (1): 25-38
7. Fernandez Sanchez J: TI-RADS classification of thyroid nodules based on a score modified according to ultrasound criteria for malignancy, Rev. Argent. Radiol. 78 (3): 138-148
8. Moifo B et al. 2013: Reliability of Thyroid Imaging Reporting And Data System (TIRADS) classification in differentiating benign from malignant thyroid nodules, Open Journal of Radiology 3: 103-107
9. Haugen BR, Alexander EK, Bible KC et al. 2016: 2015 American Thyroid Association management guidelines for adult patients with thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer: the American Thyroid Association Guidelines Task Force on thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer, Thyroid 26: 1-133
10. Yoon JH et al. 2015: Thyroid nodules: Nondiagnostic Cytologic Results according to Thyroid Imaging Reporting And Data System before and after Application of the Bethesda System, Radiology 276 (2): 579-587
11. Yoon JH et al. 2016: Subcategorization of atypia of undetermined significance/follicular lesion of undetermind significance (AUS/FLUS): a study applying Thyroid Imaging Reporting And Data System (TIRADS), Clin Endocrin 85: 275-282
12. Park VY et al. 2016: The Thyroid imaging reporting and data system on US, but not the BRAF V600E mutation in fine-needle aspirates, is associated with lateral lymph node metastasis in PTC, Medicine 95:29 (e4292)
13. Görges et al. 2011: Szintigraphisch mehranreichernde Schilddrüsenknoten gehen überwiegend mit normwertigem TSH einher, Nuklearmedizin 50 (5): 179-188
14. Eun Ja Ha et al. 2016: A Multicenter Prospective Validation Study for the Korean Thyroid Imaging Reporting And Data System in Patients with Thyroid Nodules, Korean J Radiol 17(5): 811-21
15. Horvath E. et al. 2016: Prospective Validation of the ultrasound based TIRADS (Thyroid Imaging Reporting And Data System) classification: results in surgically resected thyroid nodules, Eur Radiol, online first 07.10.16
16. Grant EG et al. 2015: Thyroid Ultrasound Reporting Lexicon: White paper of the ACR Thyroid Imaging reporting And Data System (TIRADS) Committee, J Am Coll Radiol 12(12): 1272-1279
17. Russ G. et al. 2013: Prospective evaluation of thyroid imaging reporting and data system on 4550 nodules with and without elastography, Eur J Endocrinol 168: 649-655
18. Middleton WD et al. 2017: Multiinstitutional Analysis of Thyroid Nodule Risk Stratification Using the American College of Radiology Thyroid Imaging Reporting And Data System, AJR 208:1-11
19. Brito JP et al. 2014: The Accuracy of Thyroid Nodule Ultrasound to Predict Thyroid Cancer: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 99: 1252-1263
20. ACR White Paper Targets Thyroid Incidentaloma Reporting, J Nucl Med 2015, 56:12N
21. Kwak JY et al. 2013: Image Reportig and Characterization System for Ultrasound Featuresof Thyroid Nodules: Multicentric Korean Retrospective Study, Korean J Radiol, 14(1): 110-117
22. Tessler FN et al, 2017: ACR Thyroid Imaging, Reporting and Data System (TI-RADS): White Paper of the ACR TI-RADS Comittee, ACR 2017,
23. Russ G et al. 2017: European Thyroid Association Guidelines for Ultrasound Malignancy Risk Stratification of Thyroid Nodules in Adults: The EU-TIRADS, Eur Thyroid J, DOI:10.1159/000478927
24. Schenke S, Seifert P, Zimny M, Winkens T, Binse I, Görges R 2019: Risk stratification of thyroid nodules using Thyroid Imaging Reporting And Data System (TIRADS): The omission of thyroid scintigraphy increases the rate of falsely suspected lesions, JNM 2019; 60 (3): 342-347, DOI: 0.2967/jnumed.118.211912
25. Shin et al. 2016: Ultrasonography Diagnosis and Imaging-Based Management of Thyroid Nodules: Revised Korean Society of Thyroid Radiology Consensus Statement and Recommendations, Korean J Radiol, 17(3): 370-395
26. Simone Agnes Schenke, Jan Wuestemann, Michael Zimny, Michael Christoph Kreissl: Ultrasound Assessment of Autonomous Thyroid Nodules before and after Radioiodine Therapy Using Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (TIRADS), Diagnostics, 2020, 10 (12)
27. Schenke S et al. 2020: Characteristics of different histological subtypes of thyroid nodules classified with Tc-99m-MIBI imaging and Thyroid Imaging Reporting And Data System (TIRADS), Nucl Med Comm 2021, 42: 73-80
28. Simone Schenke, Rigobert Klett, Philipp Seifert, Michael C. Kreissl, Rainer Görges, Michael Zimny: Diagnostic Performance of Different Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data Systems (Kwak-TIRADS, EU-TIRADS and ACR TI-RADS) for Risk Stratification of Small Thyroid Nodules (≤10 mm), J Clin Med, 2020, 9 (1): 236
29. Philipp Seifert, Rainer Görges, Michael Zimny, Michael C. Kreissl, Simone Schenke: Interobserver agreement and efficacy of consensus reading in Kwak-, EU-, and ACR-thyroid imaging recording and data systems and ATA guidelines for the ultrasound risk stratification of thyroid nodules, Endocrine 2020, 67: 143-154
30. Philipp Seifert, Simone Schenke, Michael Zimny, Alexander Stahl, Michael Grunert , Burkhard Klemenz, Martin Freesmeyer , Michael C. Kreissl, Ken Herrmann, Rainer Görges:Diagnostic Performance of Kwak, EU, ACR, and Korean TIRADS as Well as ATA Guidelines for the Ultrasound Risk Stratification of Non-Autonomously Functioning Thyroid Nodules in a Region with Long History of Iodine Deficiency: A German Multicenter Trial, Cancers 2021, 13(17): 4467